Category Archives: Skoda Diesel 7t truck (Wespe Models 1/35)

Skoda Diesel 7t truck (Wespe Models 1/35)

Hi to everyone! Another truck which was used widely by the Wehrmacht after the capitulation of Chechoslovakia.The kit is offered by Wespe models in resin. The quality is very good and with some improvements it will be spectacular.

The cabin comes in one piece.

Radiador in place.

Standard procedure. Wipping off resin pedals to add brass tubes and styrene pedals.

Front wheels and driver´s seat in place!

Rear wheels and fuel thank in place.

Air thank in place.

I have replaced the resin shaft with an aluminium one!

I have replaced the resin exchaust with an aluminium one.

To be continued.. Stay tuned!!!

Good morning gents! We have progressed with the Skoda truck!

I have cutted the resin pedals iot replace them

Platform glued in position!
Pedals made from styrene and 0,3mm brass rods!

Cabin is ready!

To be continued!!

Good morning gents!

Primed with Vallejo red brown and afterwards Dunkelgelb was applied!

Clear parts!
I have replaced the resin part with PE ones!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Primed with Vallejo’s Dunkelgelb primer!

Modulated with AMMO Mig’s Dunkelgelb modulation set. Wood age ing solution of MiG productions has been applied on the truck’s flatbed!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Rotbrun applied..

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Olivgrun has been applied!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

I have added tail lights from my spare box!


To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

Decals have been placed using Archers generic WWII German plates set!

To be continued..