Category Archives: Opel Blitz omnibus late version (Roden 1/35)

Opel Blitz Omnibus late version (Roden 1/35)

Good evening! I will start constructing Roden´s omnibus (late version) in 1/35!

To be continued…

Good evening gents! We have progress!

The motor is very well detailed!

Front axle

Rear axle

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Chassis with engine!
The bus on its wheels!

Driver’s seat!
The floor is ready for the seats!
The seats are in position!

The floor has been glued on the chassis!
I have used Vallejo’s acrylic putty to cover the ejection holes on the back of the seats!

Omnibus’ rear door!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Primed with Vallejo’s Dunkelgelb primer!

To be continued…

Good morning gents! Progress!

All chairs have been painted!
All chairs have been weathered!
The floor has been weathered with dry pigments!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Modulated with AMMO Mig’s Dunkelgelb. modulation set!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

Wheels have been painted with AK’s rubber tires!
Windows have been placed and the shovel also!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Decals in place!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

The tools have been painted..

To be continued..