Category Archives: Mercedes-Benz L6500 (Wespe models 1/35)

Mercedes-Benz L6500 (Wespe Models 1/35)

Hi to everyone! I will start slowly with this Mercedes L6500 by Wespe models. I am impressed with the kit’s quality! It has 83 pieces (79 in resin and 4 pieces in clear film for the windows). They all come cleaned and the kit is ready for building!

Hola a todos! Voy a empezar con el Mercedes Benz L6500 de Wespe models. Estoy impresionado con la calidad de este! Tiene 83 piezas (79 en resina y 4 transparentes para las ventanas). Las piezas vienen limpias de fabrica y el kit esta listo para montar!

I have started with the kit! First I glued in position the driver’s cabin seat!

He empezado con el kit. Primero he pegado el asiento del conductor.

I will remove with the cutter the pedals and add details before gluing them.

Voy a quitar con el cutter los pedales y añadir detalles antes de pegarlos de nuevo.

The platform.

La plataforma.

I have started adding boxes, canisters etc on the platform.

He empezado pegar cajas, latas de combustible etc en la plataforma.

To be continued..

Good morning! More progress on the MB L6500. All things are in place below the platform.

The rim is a little bit smaller than the wheel, so it leaves a small gap which I will not fill with putty.

I cut a styrene strip and glued it around the rim!

Rear suspension in place!

To be continued.. Stay tuned!

Hi to everyone! More progress!


I have added also on the real rima the styrene strip iot fit perfect with the rim.


I have drilled a hole and inserted a 0,5mm rod to reinforce it.


The rim with the  styrene strip.


Drilled a hole of 0,5mm diametre for the coupling.


To be continued..

 Good morning gents! I made some progress!

I drilled a hole and inserted a 0,5mm diameter rod which will serve as support for the coupler.
Coupler in position!

The very well detailed motor of the truck!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress on the MB L6500!

Styrene inner reinforcements for the doors!

Brass rod for the air tank!
Brass rod for the exhaust tube!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress

Exchaust tube in place!

All the wheels in place!

Notek light. I have drilled a hole and inserted an 0,5mm diameter rod!
I have removed the resin pedal details!
I have drilled three holes of 0,5mm diameter!
I have inserted 3 rods!
And finally glued the pedals!

General view!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Support bars for the rear mudguards made from Evergreen styrene. I have vended them at the edges!
Support Bar in position!
I have used handles for the canisters from my spare box because they don’t come with the kit!
I made the bars for the canvas using as a reference the resin canvas which comes with the kit!
Added a hand brake from the spare box!

Support bars made from Evergreen styrene!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Cabin and motor in position!

The cabin’s interior has been primed with AK red primer!

I have added a custom mesh for the truck’s radiator!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Primed with Vallejo’s Dunkelgelb primer!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Painless the seat!
Weathering the seat!

Painting the instrument panel!
Windows in place!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

I made the canvas using miliput putty!

The engine has been painted!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

I have filled the seam with Evergreen styrene strip!


To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Olivgrun has been applied!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

Rotbrun has been applied!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress!

Notek light and driver’s mirror have been added!
Making canvas out of oven paper!

Masking and painting the canvas!
Highlights on the canvas!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

I have applied decals from Archer’s set of generic plates and unit markings!

Mirror has been added!
Tail light has been added!

To be continued..

Good morning gents! Progress..

AMMO Mig’s oils have been applied!!

To be continued..